Peterborough Passport Office
The Peterborough Passport Office is located as follows:
Peterborough Passport Office
Quay House
2 East Station Road
This Passport Office is located conveniently near to the town centre with excellent transport links. The Passport Office is well signposted.
The opening hours for this office are as follows:
Monday to Friday- 8.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday- 9.00am to 3.00pm
This office is closed on Sundays.
If attending an appointment to use the Fast Track or Premium Service you must provide two identical photos along with your application. The photo must be 45 millimetres high by 35 millimetres wide, this is the size issued by photo booths. You must not use photos which have been cut down from a larger photograph. The photograph must have a light grey or cream background and must be clear and in focus. you must be looking straight ahead at the camera with have a neutral expression (i.e.) no smiling or frowning.
Nothing including hair should be covering your face or eyes unless this is for religious reasons (i.e. turbans and headscarfs). The photograph should be of the applicants head and shoulders and have no shadows/glare.
For a child’s passport pictures the rules are slightly more relaxed, if a child is under the age of 5, they are not required to look directly at the camera with a neutral expression. Children under 1 are not required to have their eyes open.
If you are getting married you can change your name on your passport up to a maximum of 3 months before the marriage ceremony, however the passport will not be valid until after the ceremony.
If you change your gender, you will be required to include additional supporting documents along with your application form, which you must sign using your new name.
– You will require a gender recognition certificate,
– A supporting letter from your GP or a medical professional, detailing the gender change and stating that this is likely to be a permanent change.
– A new birth or adoption certificate with your new gender.